Malignant Breast Disorder

Malignant Breast Disorder Breast cancer is a neoplastic disease in which normal body cells are transformed into malignant ones. 2 after lung cancer leading causes of cancer for women. Causes is not well known but thought to be complex interaction between environment, genetic, and hormone factor. 1 out 8 women will develop the disease someContinue reading “Malignant Breast Disorder”

Benign Breast Disorder

Benign Breast Disorder Benign breast disorder are noncancerous breast abnormalities. Not life0threatenig but can causes discomfort such as pain. Fibrocystic breast change carry chance of cancer while the other two carry little risk. Fibrocystic Breast Changes: (Benign breast disease BBD)- variety chance of the glandular and structural tissue of the breast. Affect 50-60% all womenContinue reading “Benign Breast Disorder”