Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)   Human Immunodeficiency Virus: (HIV) Transmitted by sexual contact, share intravenous needle drug use, mother to fetus during pregnancy, transfusion infected blood or blood product. Men sex with men (highest) then follow by heterosexual 1in 4 person HIV living infected in US are women Women are vulnerable to heterosexual transmission HIVContinue reading “Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)”

Ectoparasitic infection

Ectoparasitic infection Ectoparasites– skin rash and pruritus affect all age, race and socioeconomic. Prevalence– (industrial and nonindustrial)- overcrowding, delayed diagnosis / treatment, and poor public education. Infection– scabies (mite) and pubic lice. – transmission person to person. Pediculosis pubis (pubic lice)- seek treatment because of rash on skin irritation- scratching.  Lice or nit on pubicContinue reading “Ectoparasitic infection”

Human Papillomavirus

Human Papillomavirus HPV– most common viral infection US. Genital wart or condylomata are caused by HPV. HPV essentially cause cervical cancer (4th leading cancer in women) (order: lung, breast, colorectal cancer). HPV oncogenesis responsible for 95% cervical squamous cell carcinomas and nearly all preinvasive cervical neoplasm. More than 30 types of HPV infect the genitalContinue reading “Human Papillomavirus”

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease Pelvic inflammatory disease PID– infection induced inflammation on female upper reproductive tract. Cause is ascending of polymicrobial infection such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Location infection: uterine lining (endometritis), connective tissue adjacent (Parametritis), fallopian tube (salpingitis), serious membrane line abdominal cavity and viscera (peritonitis). Secondary to STI infection, most effective approach its prevention.Continue reading “Pelvic inflammatory disease”

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis Cause by gram -negative bacillus G. vaginalis. Most prevalence causes if vaginal discharge or malodor/ 50% women asymptomatic. Associated with alteration of vaginal flora, lactobacilli in vagina and replace with high concentration of anaerobic bacteria. Microbial alteration not fully understood but can be associated with multiple sex partner, douching, and lack vaginal lactobacilli.Continue reading “Bacterial Vaginosis”


Trichomoniasis Vaginal infection cause discharge but is not always transmitted sexual activity. Transmitted by organism living in damp/ wet surface, poorly clean/ maintain hot tub, and drain. S/ S women – symptomatic asymptomatic. Men-asymptomatic carrier. Infection is localized- increase evidence of preterm birth and postpartum endometritis women w/ vaginitis. This infection a corresponding coinfection withContinue reading “Trichomoniasis”


Vaginitis Most common cause of Vaginitis: Candida- fungus Trichomonas-protozoa Gardnerella-bacteria Candida-Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC)- most common cause of discharge in women, refer as; yeast, monilia, and fungal infection. NOT consider as STI b/c Candida are normal constituent in vagina and only become pathologic if environment is altered. Therapeutic management-medication (cream, tablet, and suppositories 3-7days) Nursing management:Continue reading “Vaginitis”

Sexual transmitted Infection (STI)

Sexual transmitted Infection (STI)- bacterial, viral, and parasitic infection of the reproductive tract cause by microorganism. Transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sexual intercourse / activities. Genital infection which may led to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or infertility Chronic liver disease, cancer hepatitis B virus HBV, hepatitis C HCV infection, genital cancer associate w/ humanContinue reading “Sexual transmitted Infection (STI)”